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3 min read

Have you heard the buzz about puppy yoga UK? It's the latest trend taking the wellness world by storm, combining the mindful practice of yoga with the adorable energy of playful pups. 

The idea of stretching alongside furry friends sounds undeniably charming, and classes have been popping up all over the UK. 

At DOJO we love dogs as much as (probably more) the next eco and health conscious sustainable activewear brand.

But before you jump on the mat with a cuddle puddle of puppies, it's important to consider responsible dog interaction and ensure a positive experience for both humans and their canine companions.

The Importance of Responsible Dog Interaction in UK Puppy Yoga 

While puppy yoga can be a delightful experience, some animal charities in the UK have raised concerns about potential drawbacks for the dogs involved. 

In fact the RSPCA has firmly criticised the practice, 

“If a young puppy is placed into situations where they feel overwhelmed and frightened they may start to view the things they are being introduced to as frightening, which can then lead to a negative reaction in the future and the potential development of behavioural problems.’’ -Esme Wheeler, RSPCA dog behaviour expert.

And it has actually beenbanned altogether in Italy

As classes can be overwhelming for puppies, especially if not managed properly. Over-stimulation, loud noises, and constant interaction with strangers can lead to stress and anxiety for the pups. 

However,we believe puppy yoga can be ethical and safe -if done correctly. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Puppy development: Puppies have specific needs based on their age and socialisation stage. Reputable classes will ensure the puppies are at an appropriate age and have been properly socialised before participating.
  • Temperament matching: Not all puppies are suited for a high-energy environment. Responsible classes will carefully match puppies with participants based on temperament and energy levels.
  • Breaks and supervision: Puppies need regular breaks to rest and play in a quieter environment. Classes should prioritise playtime and ensure constant supervision to prevent any potential issues between dogs or with participants.

By prioritising responsible dog interaction, puppy yoga can be a fun and enriching experience for everyone involved. 

Finding a Reputable Puppy Yoga UK Classes and Best Practices

Now that we've discussed the importance of responsible dog interaction, let's look into finding a reputable puppy yoga UK class and ensure your experience is positive for both you and the furry yogis.

Here are some key things to look for:

  • Partnership with reputable rescues or breeders: Responsible classes will partner with organisations that prioritise the health and well-being of their puppies.
  • Focus on puppy development: The class should cater to the puppies' age and temperament, incorporating breaks and playtime specifically designed for their needs.
  • Experienced instructors: Look for classes led by instructors with experience in both dog training and yoga. They will understand how to create a safe and calming environment for both humans and canines.

Once you've found a reputable class, here are some best practices to keep in mind during your session:

  • Respect the puppies' space: Don't force interactions. Let the puppies approach you if they're comfortable.
  • Follow the instructor's guidance: They will provide instructions on how to interact with the puppies safely and respectfully.
  • Prioritise calmness: Maintain a calm and gentle demeanour to avoid overwhelming the puppies.
  • Focus on the experience: Enjoy the mindfulness of yoga while appreciating the presence of the puppies without expecting constant interaction.

By following these tips, you can ensure your participation in puppy yoga contributes to a positive and enriching experience for both yourself and the adorable canine participants.

Unleashing the Zen and Wellbeing in UK Puppy Yoga 

Puppy yoga has the potential to be a truly delightful experience, offering a unique blend of mindful practice and adorable puppy cuddles. 

However, prioritising responsible dog interaction is crucial to ensure a positive experience for both humans and canines. 

By seeking out reputable classes that prioritise the well-being of the pups and following best practices during your session, you can contribute to a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. 

So, if you're ready to unleash your inner zen while interacting with some four-legged friends, approach puppy yoga with a focus on responsible interaction and enjoy the next-level cuteness!

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