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5 min read

It’s fair to say that leggings have now become a wardrobe staple for millions of women around the world, as they offer such a comfortable and versatile option for both casual wear and athletic activities. 

At home, at the bar, at the cafe, at the shopping centre, on the train, bus or plane, and of course at the gym or yoga studio. Pretty much anywhere you need to go nowadays, a trusty pair of leggings are a girl’s best friend.

So given that leggings are such an essential everyday clothing item, it’s not surprising that people are becoming much more concerned with the materials they are made from a
nd their effects on your skin and all-round health. 

Recently, cotton leggings have emerged as a popular alternative to synthetic materials like nylon and polyester. As they are said to be healthier and safer due to not containing toxic compounds like PFCs. 

So let’s examine the properties of cotton leggings in detail, in comparison to their synthetic counterparts. To see if cotton leggings really are better for you.

*Make sure you read until the end, as there might be a few twists in the fabric…

Cotton leggings vs nylon and polyester leggings

Firstly, let’s take a look at a brief list of the purported benefits of cotton leggings over leggings made of synthetic materials. 

The main advantageous qualities of cotton leggings are: 

  • Breathability- Cotton is naturally breathable and keeps you more comfortable, preventing excessive sweat build-up.
  • Softness and Comfort - Gentle and soft against the skin, perfect for all-day wear.
  • Gentle on Skin - Hypoallergenic properties make cotton ideal for those with sensitive skin.
  • Sustainability -The eco-friendly aspects of cotton compared to synthetic fibres make it vastly more ethical (*depending on the source).

And in contrast, the main and significant drawbacks of synthetic leggings are:

  • Sweat Traps - Synthetic materials often trap moisture, leading to discomfort and potential irritation.
  • Not-So-Soft - They feel much less soft and gentle on the skin compared to natural fibres.
  • Skin Sensitivities - Many synthetics can irritate sensitive skin.
  • Eco-Concerns - Production of synthetics is far less eco-friendly than natural materials.

So it seems like cotton wins hands down against synthetic fibres, regarding which of them is the healthier and safer choice. 

Synthetic leggings sure don’t sound like something you'd want to wear close to your skin. Especially when you learn about the long list of harmful substances they contain. 

In fact a recent study found that textiles made from man-made materials like nylon and polyester contain up to 8000 toxic chemicals! Yes, you read that right. Which, you absorb through your skin when you wear them. Not really what you want from a workout. 


We won’t list all 8000 of them but just check out this chart below to see a basic breakdown of common toxins in synthetic and non-organic activewear. As well as their effects on your body.

So with all this considered we can confidently say that, yes, cotton leggings are definitely better for you. 

However, remember those twists in the fabric we mentioned? 

Well here’s the first one. Just because cotton leggings are better than synthetic leggings, it doesn’t mean they’re totally angelic. Far from it.

And, as you’ll learn, they are not the optimal choice when it comes to skin-friendly, non-toxic leggings and activewear.

Cotton leggings vs organically treated cotton leggings

If you want to be absolutely certain that you are buying leggings made from completely natural and safe materials, you need to look for organically treated cotton leggings

Like DOJO leggings.

Although cotton is a natural and organic material in itself, the production methods of regular cotton unfortunately use a host of chemicals. 

Namely toxic synthetic dyes in the manufacture of garments. 

It’s also highly unsustainable and has a heavy impact on water supplies in the local ecosystems where it’s grown. Soaking up a staggering 69% of the fashion industry’s water usage!

Organic cotton uses up to 62% less energy and 91% less water, as well as improving soil quality and improving biodiversity. 

Our patented organically treated cotton fabric is made from 100% green energy and harnesses rainwater to majorly reduce water consumption. It also contains ZERO toxic chemicals!

So, if you're concerned with buying natural leggings that are sustainable, organic and great for your skin/health, then leggings made from organically treated cotton are the ideal choice. 

But it gets even better…

DOJO leggings not only provide all the benefits of organically treated cotton, but also the same high-performance benefits of synthetic leggings.

DOJO Leggings - the best leggings in the World (yes, they really are)

OK, it’s a very bold claim. But if you just bear with us for a few moments we think you’ll be persuaded that DOJO leggings are simply next-level, when it comes to sustainable and organic activewear.

Firstly, our leggings are made from totally unique, exclusive, award-winning sustainable fabric technology. Which, gives them advanced and unmatched protective properties that no organic cotton clothing or material can offer.

As great as standard organic cotton leggings are, they don’t provide bio-protection against bacteria, viruses and moisture/sweat accumulation. 

DOJO leggings have antibacterial and anti-rival properties that rival the best man-made medical-grade garments. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they’re a breakthrough in sportswear design. 

Here’s just a few of their awesome benefits: 

Super skin friendly

  • Our fabric matches your microbiome’s pH (5.5) for comfort. 
  • OEKO-TEX® certified cotton: free from harmful substances.

Anti-microbial/Odour reducing 

  • Mineral technology disrupts bacteria growth (up to 86%) for lasting odour control. 

Super-soft and stretchy

  • Four-way stretch weaving for unrestricted movement, and combed fibres for a delicate, feather like finish.


  • Dries up to 10 times faster than regular cotton whilst being highly absorbent.  

Nature in mind

  • We plant a tree for every pair sold and only use eco-friendly packaging
  • Our facilities have won awards for environmental protection

Not too shabby! DOJO leggings are the optimal choice for both you and the planet. 

For a deep dive on the science behind our products read about our tech here.

Summing up the leg-work

Hopefully this article clarifies the key differences between cotton leggings and leggings made of conventional synthetic materials.

After looking at the raw materials that leggings are made from and how they are made, we can see that activewear made of natural textiles like cotton are much better for you.

However, we can also see that cotton leggings have some major drawbacks, which are all solved by Dojo leggings.

So do your skin, body and the environment a favour and head over to our shop to get your pair of the finest sustainable leggings available now!

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